Experiment #25 - Create Targeted Landing Pages for PR Pilot Personas

Instructions were given to an AI Assistant for developers:

Create 3 distinctly different landing pages for PR Pilot. Each landing page should "sell" the product to a different persona. Do this:

  1. Understand what PR Pilot is and does by scraping www.pr-pilot.ai
  2. Add a page for DevOps engineers
  3. Add a page for Senior Developers
  4. Add a page for Indie Developers

Knowledge was provided to fulfill the task

The website explains each persona and how they benefit from PR Pilot

Additionally, a set of skills were given to the agent to fulfill the task more effectively
Add a new page HTML Jinja
#endpoint #template #project

Result of the Experiment

I have created three distinct landing pages for PR Pilot, each targeting a different persona. Here are the details:

  1. DevOps Engineers:
  2. Path: /devops
  3. Template: templates/devops.html.jinja2

  4. Senior Developers:

  5. Path: /senior_developers
  6. Template: templates/senior_developers.html.jinja2

  7. Indie Developers:

  8. Path: /indie_developers
  9. Template: templates/indie_developers.html.jinja2

Each page is designed to "sell" PR Pilot to the respective persona, highlighting the benefits and features relevant to them. You can now navigate to these paths in your web application to view the new landing pages.

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Experiment Log


Load cached repository pr-pilot-labs/rapid-prototyper


Invoking skill: Add a new page

Read files: templates/index.html.jinja2

Add DevOps engineers landing page template

Write content to templates/devops.html.jinja2

Read files: app.py

Add endpoint for DevOps engineers landing page

Write content to app.py

The new landing page for DevOps engineers has been successfully added. The following changes were made:

  1. Created a new Jinja template devops.html.jinja2 in the templates directory.
  2. Added a new endpoint in the backend to render the devops.html.jinja2 template.

You can now access the new page by navigating to /devops in your web application.


Invoking skill: Add a new page

Read files: templates/index.html.jinja2

Add landing page for Senior Developers

Write content to templates/senior_developers.html.jinja2

Read files: app.py

Add endpoint for Senior Developers page

Write content to app.py

The landing page for Senior Developers has been successfully added. Here are the changes made:

  1. Created a new Jinja template: templates/senior_developers.html.jinja2
  2. Added a new endpoint in the backend to render the new template in app.py

You can now access the new page at /senior_developers.


Invoking skill: Add a new page

Read files: templates/index.html.jinja2

Add landing page for Indie Developers

Write content to templates/indie_developers.html.jinja2

Read files: app.py

Add endpoint for Indie Developers landing page

Write content to app.py

The landing page for Indie Developers has been successfully added. Here are the changes made:

  1. Created a new Jinja template: templates/indie_developers.html.jinja2
  2. Added a new endpoint in the backend to render the new template.

You can now access the Indie Developers landing page at /indie_developers.


Push branch create-three-distinct


Create PR #3 for branch create-three-distinct