SkillHub - Discover 22 Agent Skills

This page is a collection of all public Github projects using PR Pilot. Discover their skills and use them in your own projects!

What's a skill? Skills are like mini-programs or sub-routines that PR Pilot can be run on your project during tasks or conversations. The agent will automatically run the skill when you ask it to, populate the arguments with the necessary content and respond with the result. Find out more about skills in the documentation.

Add a new page

purpose What the page does
path URL path of the page

Add a new page to the project by doing the following: 1. Read templates/index.html.jinja2 to understand how templates are used in this project 2. Create a new Jinja template in the templates directory, implementing the new page 3. Add the new endpoint in the backend, rendering the jinja template

Respond with

A short summary of your actions

Add API endpoint

method HTTP method
purpose What the endpoint does
url URL of the endpoint
response Expected response from the endpoint

Add a new API endpoint by doing the following: 1. Read api/ and understand how the API views are implemented 2. Add a new endpoint to the API and write it back to api/ 3. Add the path for the new endpoint to api/ 4. Write tests for the new endpoint in api/tests/

Respond with

A short summary of your actions

Investigate latest Sentry error

optional_search_criteria Optional search criteria

Investigate a Sentry error by doing the following: 1. List all open Sentry issues 2. Find the issue that best matches the given description 3. Read the three most recent events for the issue 4. Write a concise description of the error and relevant technical details (e.g. stack trace)

Respond with

A concise description of the error and relevant technical details

Report a bug

description Description of the bug
steps_to_reproduce Steps to reproduce the bug
observed_behavior Observed behavior of the bug
expected_behavior Expected behavior of the bug
relevant_files Relevant files to the bug

Report a bug by doing the following: 1. Read the relevant files to understand the bug 2. Create a new issue on Github with the following details: - The given description - Steps to reproduce the bug - Observed behavior and expected behavior - Technical details based on what you found in the files 3. Post a notification in the #qa-team Slack channel with a link to the issue

Respond with

Links to the Github issue and the Slack message

Change the Helm Chart

change_request Description of the change

We want to update the Helm Chart. Do the following: 1. Determine the relevant files in the Helm Chart by listing the helm-chart/templates directory 2. Read the relevant files and update them accordingly 3. Write the changes back to the Helm Chart

Respond with

A short summary of your actions

Update the user documentation

what_changed What part of PR Pilot changed

We want to update the user documentation. Do the following: 1. Determine the relevant files in the docs/source directory 2. Read the relevant files and update them accordingly 3. Write the changes back to the user documentation

Respond with

A short summary of your actions

Find and investigate error on Sentry

error_to_find Description of the error

Investigate an error on Sentry by doing the following: 1. List all open Sentry issues 2. Find the issue that best matches the given description 3. Read the three most recent events for the issue and collect technical details (stack trace, etc) 4. Find and read the relevant code files to understand the context of the error 5. Write a concise description of the error and relevant technical details IMPORTANT: Do NOT attempt to fix or report the error, only gather information and respond.

Respond with

A concise description of the error and relevant technical details

Make a beautiful HTML page

content Content of the page
purpose What the page does
file_path Path into which the page will be saved
  1. Search the internet for the latest BulmaCSS CDN version
  2. Generate a self-contained HTML page that combines the given content with BulmaCSS
  3. Write the HTML page to the given file path

When generating the page, follow these rules: - Use the latest BulmaCSS version - Organize the content in a visually appealing way using Bulma components - Use FA icons and emojis to make the page more engaging - Make full use of Bulma CSS classes to style the page

Respond with

A short summary of your actions

Add new CLI command

expected_output Expected output of the command
name Name of the command
purpose What the command does

Add a new CLI command by doing the following: 1. Read cli/ and cli/commands/ to understand how the CLI commands are implemented 2. Implement the new command in cli/commands/<command-name>.py 3. Integrate the new command in cli/

Respond with

A short summary of your actions

Modify a CLI command

expected_change How the command implementation needs to change
name Name of the command

Modify an existing CLI command by doing the following: 1. List the cli/commands directory to find the file where the command is implemented 2. Read the file and understand how the command is implemented 3. Modify the command implementation to meet the new requirements 4. Write the changes back to the file

Respond with

A short summary of your actions

Run a skills test

param The word 'test'
  1. Find all open Github issues
  2. Read one of them
  3. Read and write a Haiku about everything
Respond with

Only the Haiku

Write a blog post

draft_file_path Path to the draft in `drafts` directory

Write a social media post in the given style for the given platform and target audience using the provided content. 1. Read the draft to understand the content (may contain instructions, follow them!) 2. Read prompts/platform-instructions/ to understand our guidelines for blog posts 3. Write the blog post according to the guidelines into posts/<post-slug>.md (should match the draft file name)

Respond with

Briefly confirm that - all content has been created successfully - path of the blog post file created - Emphasize that no further action is needed.

Change UI code

change_request Description of the change
  1. Open ./index.html
  2. Make the necessary changes
  3. Write the changes to the file
Respond with

A short summary of your actions

Change backend code

change_request Description of the change
  1. Open ./
  2. Make the necessary changes
  3. Write the changes to the file
Respond with

A short summary of your actions

Create a feature request

user_story User story describing the feature
implementation_details Technical details to be considered when implementing the feature

Open a new Github issue with the following details: - The given user story - The technical details - Verifiable acceptance criteria - Add label feature-request

Respond with

A short summary of your actions

Add a new page

purpose What the page does
path URL path of the page

Add a new page to the project by doing the following: 1. Read templates/index.html.jinja2 to understand how templates are used in this project 2. Create a new Jinja template in the templates directory, implementing the new page 3. Add the new endpoint in the backend, rendering the jinja template

Respond with

A short summary of your actions

Initialize the project

tech_stack Ultra-short description of the tech stack
project_structure ASCII representation of the project structure with short explanations
build_and_run How the project is built and run
testing How the project is tested
additional_info Anything else that is important

We want to write a file that gives an accurate, detailed overview of the project. The purpose of this file is to provide an entry point for finding information quickly.

Template: ```markdown

<project name>

Project <name> is a <what is it> that solves <problem> for <persona> by <how it does it>.

Project Structure

<ASCII representation of the project structure with short explanations>

Domain model

<concise bullet points about main concepts and how they relate to project structure>

<section header>

<3-4 concise bullet points>

... ```

Use the template and write a new knowledge file for the project by doing the following:

  1. Break down the information into 4-6 sections
  2. Write each section with a 1-2 word header and 3-4 concise bullet points
  3. Use ASCII art to represent the project structure
  4. Write the file into in the project root directory
Respond with

A short summary of your actions

Generate a beautiful HTML page

content Content of the page
purpose What the page does
file_path Path into which the page will be saved
  1. Search the internet for the latest BulmaCSS CDN version
  2. Generate a self-contained HTML page that combines the given content with BulmaCSS
  3. Write the HTML page to the given file path

When generating the page, follow these rules:

  • Use the latest BulmaCSS version
  • Organize the content in a visually appealing way using Bulma components
  • Use FA icons and emojis to make the page more engaging
  • Make full use of Bulma CSS classes to style the page
Respond with

A short summary of your actions

Gather information about project

directory Path to the directory

We want to know more about this project. The kind of info we are looking for includes:

  • Programming languages used
  • Usage of specific frameworks or libraries
  • Project structure and organization
  • Important files in the root dir and their relevance within the project

Gather the information by doing the following:

  1. List the . directory
  2. Read files that could provide more information (README, build/config files, etc)
  3. From the data you collected, deduce the information we are looking for
Respond with

A concise list of compact bullet points, each containing a piece of information about the project. Examples: - Project <name> is a <what is it> - It solves <problem> for <persona> by <how it does it>. - Stack is Django/Python/Docker/Kubernetes - Dependencies and scripts in pyproject.toml - src directory contains the main project code - docs directory contains user documentation - Deployments and automation via Github actions - tox.ini for running tests with Pytest - ...

Find the answer to a question about the code

question A question about the code base

I have a question about the code base, please answer it in the following way:

  1. Do a code search to find files relevant to the question
  2. Read relevant files
  3. Use that information to answer the question:
Respond with

A concise, but detailed response to the question. Include Markdown links to files and code snippets as examples.

Refactor part of the code

code_to_refactor Which files/classes/modules need refactoring
why_refactor Why does the code need refactoring?
expected_result What is the expected end result?

I want you to refactor part of the code:

  1. Find and read the files containing the code to refactor and read them
  2. Change the code to achieve the expected result
  3. Update the existing files and if required, create new files
Respond with

A short summary of your actions

Generate a beautiful README file

project_name Name of the project
project_description Description of the project
project_badges List of badges to include
project_structure Concise, detailed overview of project structure
project_tech_stack List of technologies used
project_installation How to install the project
project_usage How to use the project
project_contributing How to contribute to the project

I want you to generate a beautiful README file for the project:

  1. Use the template below to structure the README file
  2. Fill in the template with the provided information using the guidelines below

Guidelines: - Highlight important key phrases in bold so I can get the gist when skim-reading - Use concise, clear language to explain each section - Add an emoji to the beginning of each header to make it visually appealing - Throughout the document, use emojis to make it more engaging / easier to read

Template: ```markdown

<project name>

<badges> <project description>

Project Structure

<ASCII representation of the project structure>

Tech Stack

<tech stack>






<contributing> ```

IMPORTANT: DO NOT write anything to file.

Respond with

Return ONLY the Markdown code for the README file