Arcane Engine

Tasks are the central concept used by all applications to implement automations. Using the Arcane Dev Kit, an application defines use-case specific automations as tasks:
  • Knowledge - Domain knowledge required to autonomously execute the task
  • Instructions - Natural language description of what needs to be done
  • Skills - User-defined mini-programs used by the engine to run the task more efficiently
The Arcane Engine then uses the knowledge and instructions provided to fulfill the task autonomously. It integrates information from code repositories and 3rd-party integrations and takes necessary actions (e.g. creating tickets, writing wiki entries). Finally, it returns the result of the task back to the application.
Arcane Engine
By using applications built on top of the Arcane Engine, companies benefit in the following ways:
  • Simplicity - Everything is a task. Instructions are in natural language.
  • Observability - Every action taken and all data processed by the engine is logged
  • Spending control - Running tasks uses up credits. Admins can monitor and limit usage across their organization
  • Everything-as-Code - Skills, instructions and knowledge are all managed as part of the code base